Seeking to reclaim the world record for oldest paraglider, a 104-year-old British woman successfully jumped off a 2,400ft Cypriot cliff two weeks ago.

Earlier this year, Peggy McAlpine's title, which she earned five years ago, was taken from her by 101-year-old Utahn Mary Allen Hardison. McAlpine, refusing to allow her legacy to be unceremoniously usurped, arranged a repeat of her previous tandem paragliding adventure.

Speaking with the Sunday Express, she recalled falling in love with extreme sports at the tender age of 80, when, at the Essex Show, she was persuaded by her grandkids to bungee jump.

"I climbed to the top and looked down and saw the people like ants and my heart sank," she said. "But I'd gone so far, I couldn't stop. So I stepped on the platform and drew up my courage and leaped from the top."

Since then, her family can barely keep McAlpine grounded. "She said after the first world record that she'd do it again in five years time," her 75-year-old daughter Elizabeth Forsyth told the paper. "If that American lady hadn't beaten her record maybe we could have kept her on the ground but that was not to be."

And to those pretenders who would dare deign to rob McAlpine of her rightful record she offers a preemptive warning: "I would certainly like to do it again - especially if anyone takes my record."

[video via korudag]