[There was a video here]

John Eaton, co-founder, member of the Board of Directors, and advisor at SocialChorus, took the company from a straight-up startup to an established digital social marketing business with clients like Fortune 500 brands Pepsi Co., Intel, and Toyota (to name a few). How did he build his brainchild? With a BlackBerry.

Most days, John has done more before he hits WeWork (the Lower Manhattan collaborative workspace he uses as an office) at 8 AM than most digital marketing types do all day. By the time those schmoes are rolling out of bed, he's already checked email, been to the gym, recorded how many calories he burned, ordered lunch, and re-arranged his calendar. He thinks fast, he moves fast, he types fast.

Inspired by BlackBerry Bold, this original video profile introduces you to John's quickly-moving and hyper-connected world of digital marketing. Enjoy, and check out lots more BlackBerry Bold users' bold experiences here.

Check back for more video profiles of the bold and fabulous. And, be bold, won't you?