A CNN investigation has found that a charity called the Disabled Veterans National Foundation suffered from gross mismanagement problems including, among other things, the fact that instead of giving money to veterans, it spent all of its money with a direct marketing firm called Quadriga, "which owns two direct-mail fundraising companies hired by the DVNF to help garner donations."

What does a company embroiled in such a scandal do? Hire the world's worst flack.

When asked about Quadriga's relationship with DVNF, spokesman Ron Torossian told CNN in an e-mail that the company is privately owned and "we do not discuss specific client relationships." ...

In a subsequent e-mail, Torossian said Quadriga had lost $7 million investing in veterans nonprofit organizations.

When CNN asked whether that included the Disabled Veterans National Foundation, he said "your facts remain woefully inadequate," but he declined to elaborate in a later e-mail exchange. He also threatened to sue CNN on behalf of Quadriga.

Well, that sounds perfectly in character. I'm sure these respectable businessmen have nothing to fear now.

This has been your Ronn [sic] Torossian update.