Welp it's Friday again. Here's some hate mail for you to read. Bye!

Robert Vinson Rises

Subj: Your Fired
How does anyone work @Gawker?
High fives for ur evil takeover of the world with Negativity an Arrogance? Gawker is dead.

In Defense of Titties

Who doesn't like Tits, at any age, for one reason or another?

Her Savior's Name

Using my Savior's name as a curse word in your article is unnecessary and offensive. Please don't do it again and try to be more sensitive to your audience.

We're not. We can't.

you're better than this. Find a new job.

An Insider's Perspective

I gotta tell you man, I can't believe you wasted my time with this piece of shit cliché review of an advertising conference.


Have a great day!


Ken H.

Take It to Powwow

Trash this new commenting system and reinstate the old. You've lost a bunch of great commenters and terrific discussions ... for what? A bunch of meat-headed, ill-informed hate mongers who fill the comments with useless stinking shit. If I want to read garbage like that I'll go to Yahoo or AOL.

You all just completely botched a good thing. Nice. Gawker is off my bookmarks list for good.

A Blind Groupthink...As Always

"However, we also cannot think of any better reason for a writer to lose their job than the fact that they are a hack who makes poorly thought out arguments."

That's a tidy little sentence there, Hamilton. Perhaps you should take it into account as you review some of what you've written at Gawker recently. How ironic.

At least nobody could have predicted what you or the commenters might think on this subject. Oh, wait...

Do you ever for a moment find yourself embarrassed by the groupthink that you are fostering? Or do you so blindly follow it that you don't even recognize it as such?

Also, you might want to compare resumes with some of these folks that you view, or directly refer to, as hacks.

Best...as always.


Nothing a Little Ankh Can't Fix

Good Morning,

I don't understand how you can be so heinous and mean about this show.
I guess you're trying to make a statement but there's no need. This
show has absolutely nothing to do with you. It has no aim to appeal to
you it's not for you. This is equivalent to me complaining about the
Thomas and Friend show: it's not targeted at my age or my gender.

In the second episode, when the main character complains to the woman
taking her pap smear, the doctor replies "you couldn't pay me enough
to be 24 again." This is my life. I am 24 and I am desperately trying
to find myself and understand what I want. This is the first show in a
long time that has actually spoken to ME and relates to my life. I
just got a tattoo of a fucking ankh to reflect that "I wanted to
change my life." I'm losing my mind! You have no idea what it's like
to be 24 and be a liberal minded girl.

Please stop bashing this show with these pathetic insults and
references to people's children. It's not funny and it's not cool.

Frankly, I've never cared enough to email a writer but this is
unforgivable. It was very upsetting to read your bashing. Why don't
you comment on Mad Men or something? You have an excellent sardonic
tone, can you direct it somewhere else?

A Wambling Poem

waaaa justin bieber was part of team money

waaaaa justin bieber has more money than me

waaaaa justin bieber gets to do what he wants and walk out in boxing matches

waaaa justin bieber might listen to me and never appear in anything ever again if i insult him over and over again.

waaaaa sound like a bigger bitch you fucking no talent ass clown idiot

Play On Basketball Playas

Here is something that a cool person does not do - write an article proclaiming their judgements on what is cool and what isn't. I found it especially funny that you claimed basketball players as not cool. I took this to mean you have a short dick and are jealous as hell, and I can assure you that many of your more astute readers had this same interpretation.

The obvious truth is that basketball players are the best physical specimens on the planet. By virtue of their physical superiority, many of them have a confidence level that you could never relate to or understand. And so instead of actually trying to learn about the game and its players, you hate. You know what "hate" means right? As a "cool" person, you should know this one.