[There was a video here]

Warning: Period.

On this week's episode of Game of Thrones, Sansa experienced an existential crisis of Judy Blume proportions: she got her period, freaked out and then was calmed down by an understanding elder who was all, "Are you there, Sana? It's me, Cersei." It wasn't the whole blood-from-vagina thing that had Sansa so spooked (at least, not ostensibly), but that now she's going to have to produce children for her blonde rodent husband Joffrey. Cersei acknowledged that her son sucks and suggested that Sansa seek refuge in the love and mothering of her children. Women's issues!

(Note: This isn't the first time period blood has shown up on this season of Game of Thrones, at least in my subjective experience. Period blood is the new fart joke. What a triumph.)

As far as the Dinklage/dickage divide goes, it's a draw here since the major dickage discussion (outside of Gwen from Downton Abbey getting all sexual and virginity-exposing on Jon Snow's ass) involved Dinklage. In the clip to the right, Cersei basically admits to having Joffrey with her brother and Tyrion gets another great line in reference to the child king: "It's hard to put a leash on a dog once you put a crown on its head." I mean, I guess it depends on the leash (because if your dog is wearing a collar and your leash is just like any other leash, you can clip it to him without having to bother at all with the crown), but whatever. It sounds good.

[There was a video here]

It's no coincidence that I'm focusing so much about Cersei this week, by the way. Her increasingly nuanced character development and ennui at will is a thrill compared to the show's tendency toward stasis. (Oh, and just let me bitch about having to watch Jaime Lannister talk to some guy he was fixing to murder for like five eternal minutes and then attempt to escape his confines, only to be caught immediately and we didn't even get to see him get caught. This show really knows how to select the absolute least interesting components of a plot line, present them and then merely suggest the better ones.) Anyway, the more Cersei acts like a reality TV freak, the more relatable she is. Not exactly surprising, but notable all the same.