Here's the invitation for the Barack Obama's Big Gay Fundraiser tonight in New York City, hosted by newly gay former pop star Ricky Martin at the Rubin Museum of Art. You don't have to be gay to attend, but you do have to be rich enough to fork over $5,000 to Obama's campaign.

That, of course, just gets you into the "small cocktail event." If you want a photograph with Obama, you'll have to pay $15,000 (or raise a total of $30,000).

The evening will be a chance to hear directly from the President and celebrate our accomplishments so far. There will be no more than 200 people in attendance, and there is a photo opportunity with the President. The ask for guests is $5,000 to attend and photos are either write $15,000 or raise $30,000.

After hanging with Ricky, Obama will move on to another fundraiser at an undisclosed "private residence" where 60 guests will be paying $35,800 for the privilege.