Last year, we spent a long time following the UFCW's battle to unionize a New York Target store—which would have been the first unionized store in the notorious anti-union company. That effort failed when employees voted against the union, but the UFCW alleged illegal intimidation on the part of the company. Now, a judge has agreed with them.

A National Labor Relations Board judge ruled yesterday that the store must hold a new union vote, because the company acted illegally during the last one. From the NYT:

Judge Davis found, among other things, that Target managers had barred employees from wearing union buttons and distributing fliers, had improperly threatened to discipline employees who discussed union matters and had unlawfully threatened to close the store if the workers voted to unionize.

Well well well, that's JUST WHAT THE UNION ALLEGED. If any Target employees (particularly those at the store in question) have union-related experiences to share—soul-destroying or otherwise—you can email me.

[Photo: AP]