Little Girl's Lunch Review Blog Persuades Her School to Serve Healthier Meals

Looking to draw some attention to her primary school's poor excuses for lunches, 9-year-old Martha Payne of Argyll, Scotland, started a blog with her dad to rate the dinners (as they're known across the pond) by taste, health, and "pieces of hair."
Starting out with an appetite-dismissing compartment plate consisting of a pizza, a solitary croquette, and a sprinkling of corn niblets, Martha's blog quickly "went viral" thanks in no small part to celebrity chef and healthy school meal crusader Jamie Oliver, who took notice of her project and sent her his love via Twitter.
"Shocking but inspirational blog," tweeted the Naked Chef. "Keep going, Big love from Jamie x."

And keep going she did, and wouldn't you know it, within days, the local council suddenly felt the need to send reps to the school to meet with Martha's father. "For the first time ever I have seen at lunch cherry tomatoes, radishes, carrot and cucumber shreddings," Martha wrote on her blog shortly thereafter.
Better still, the school is now offering students unlimited veggies, fruits, and bread with their lunches.
So I guess it's true what they say: If you want something done right, have a nine-year-old girl start a blog about it.