The Great GoogaMooga Disaster Was Worth It, If Only for This Incredible Fake Menu (UPDATE)

By most accounts, last weekend's inaugural Great GoogaMooga Festival sucked the great googamooga.
But now, thanks to Fucked in Park Slope, the dehydratingly long lines to buy awe-inspiringly overpriced "artisanal" scraps have suddenly been made well worth it.

It remains unclear who exactly it was that was handing out this tearjerkingly hilarious faux-menu for FUDS ("a journey in food-taste from mouth to toilet, traveling the ultimate expanse of the Greeko-Japo Pan-American dining experiences") to GoogaMooga-goers, but suffice it to say that we stand with Fucked when they kindly request that whoever it was be given a key to Brooklyn posthaste.
Read the entire thing-of-beauty at the source, and then spend the rest of the day wondering what on earth could possibly be in a Bill Clinton Sandwich.
UPDATE: Gawker's own Adrian Chen chimes in: "I've been told the menu was made by three comedians from the Upright Citizens Brigade: Dan Klein, Arthur Meyer and Kelly Hudson. They're also behind these great parodies of "Seinfeld:" Funny people."