This was the shuttle bus. I had to stand because the kids took all the seats. It was like the subway but with more bass.

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These boys were very sweet.

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Check the mime.

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These guys caught me taking their picture from afar and then they really turned on the charm for the redo. (This is the redo.)

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Art, or as close as Electric Daisy Carnival gets.

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At Electric Daisy Carnival, everyone's a special snowflake, but only some people get paid for it.

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Behold the furry legwarmers.

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Behold twice more.

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This was the most involved dancing that I witnessed all weekend.

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Nice girls, nicer legwarmers.

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You can look at whatever you want, but I suggest checking out the guy in the rainbow jeans' package.

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There was a weird Native American fashion theme going on.

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Cool Cool Runnings gear, guys.

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You can't tell from this picture, but this girl was dancing hard on those crutches.

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You don't have to be high and glowing to enjoy things that are.

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He told me that he "kept forgetting" that he had all that shit in his hair, because it was "hers." A likely story.

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I don't think his mask is airtight.

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In another decade, this tower of fire would have constituted an actual disco inferno.

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Winter is day. Best to prepare now. Get out your bear hats.

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I wanted this to be more candid with the one on her left actually texting as she was moments before I snapped it, but then she had to get all posey on me. Kids these days!

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If you've seen one pair of furry legwarmers, you've seen them all. But that didn't stop me from taking pictures of as many as I possibly could.

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Who is this Molly person and why is everyone so interested in finding her?

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A lot of people around me thought this was hilarious.

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Is that the The More You Know star cuffing her left bicep?

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These two impressed me.

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Openly sucking contraband is better than just openly sucking.

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Shards of mirror are the new furry legwarmers.

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Now furry legwarmers are the new furry legwarmers.

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Afrojack's set.

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