As the web approaches Peak Memification, where even august publications like the Atlantic post Rage Comics on their Tumblr, we must turn to further shores to find unexploited memes. Buzzfeed points us to this Serbian Groom meme, a classic in the Deluded Men Seeking Love genre.

According to Glasstire, images of a chunky white-haired bachelor luxuriating in gold-fringed splendor have been passed around the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian internet for years, along with this note, apparently penned by Serbian Bachelor himself:

"To all unmarried ones who would like to spend their life by my side and within all the beauties of my home. Please look below at all the magic of my home that I have decorated with taste, perhaps just for YOU. Don Milisav Juan Gonzales Brzi, Contact: +33-#########″

If Serbian Bachelor were American, he'd be on the Good Morning America, the final resting place of all memes, next week. Check out the entire gallery here.