Could People Please Stop Eating Other People's Body Parts?

Either stories about people consuming other people without permission are getting more play these days because everyone's come down with Zombie Fever, or Zombie Fever is a real thing that people have actually come down with and have subsequently become zombies.
Alexander Kinyua, a 21-year-old Morgan State University student, allegedly confessed Tuesday to killing and dismembering his roommate, 37-year-old Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie. According to police records, Kinyua further admitted to eating the man's heart and "portions of his brain."
Human remains were found by Kinyua's brother inside metal tins in the basement of the house where Kinyua and Agyei-Kodie lived.
The shocking murder occurred days after Kinyua is said to have attacked a random Morgan State student with a baseball bat, cracking his skull before fleeing into the woods. The assault left Joshua Ceasar blind in his left eye.
Kinyua, who was involved in the schoo'ls ROTC program, was known for being somewhat odd, and his Facebook posts betrayed a unkempt mind. In a recent status update he ranted about "the destruction of the human family"; in another, he warned students of "death cults" carrying out "ethnic cleansing."
Meanwhile, in Sweden, a man was arrested for allegedly cutting off and consuming his wife's lips. He was apparently motivated by suspicions that she was cheating on him.
A source told the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet that the man didn't regret his actions. "It was honour related," said the source. "He believes she insulted him."
The victim's lawyer said the woman had sustained "serious injuries," and is still undergoing a medical evaluation.
The news came as a shock to the man's former colleagues at Sweden's prestigious Karolinska Instiutet. One employee remembered him being "friendly."
He will undergo a mental examination prior to next week's indictment.