The Sad Tit of Lindsay Lohan Portends Chaos Once Again (NSFW)

Thankfully, Ms.Lohan's breast escaped while she was pretending to be Liz Taylor fighting with the actor pretending to be Richard Burton on the set of Lifetime's Liz and Dick movie. So this time around, the sad tit's chaos is really just pretend chaos.
Lohan appears to be exerting herself admirably while encased in a low-cut sundress—the kind of dress that makes these types of whoopsie-daisies inevitable. The fact that she's working at all, given how her life is so consistently fraught, is positive and she's even convinced a Liz Taylor biographer, William J. Mann, that he may have underestimated her casting appeal. Here's his approval stamp for LiLo in a Huffington Post column:
Yet maybe Lohan has gotten that message. Let's give her a chance. Maybe she'll do OK in this. No one can compare to Elizabeth Taylor, of course, but maybe there will be something LiLo can bring to a depiction of life in the fishbowl. If you doubt she's up to the task, let's remember that when George Stevens cast the 17 year-old Taylor in A Place in the Sun, many scoffed at the idea that the pretty little pampered princess from MGM could ever give a performance of depth. (I know this is far from a George Stevens production, but still, it's 2012, we're lucky anything narrative and not dressed in superhero lycra is being made.) Maybe after this, Lindsay will go on making movies instead of — or at least in addition to — making headlines. Let's hope. After all, as Elizabeth once said, "You gotta dream, baby." And so we shall.
Yes, this totally forgivable boob-plop may have come during Lohan's long-awaited performance of depth, but—as suggested by her recent paparazzi reunion with Paris Hilton—it certainly doesn't mean she's finally overcome her professional downfalls.
It's always 7 a.m. in the Hollywood Hills somewhere in the world. Let's hope (for the best).
Here is a boobsier look at the boob: