Republican Efforts to Woo Hispanic Voters Stymied by Stock Photo of Asian Children on RNC Latino Outreach Site

The one unspoken rule of Hispanic outreach sites is "make sure the stock photos you use depict Hispanic people." Apparently the GOP needs that rule to be said out loud.
Elizabeth Flock over at US News and World Report noticed that the stock photo being used to top of the RNC's Latino outreach site — the aptly named — featured children of Asian descent, and, worse still, their ethnicity was clearly labeled at the source.

Indeed, Shutterstock helpfully tagged the photo in question with keywords such as "asia," "asian," "japanese," and "thailand." Nowhere among the 50-some tags used to describe the image is there even a hint that any of the children in the photo might be Hispanic.
Soon after Flock publicized her discovery, the image was pulled and replaced with a sentence — in English. A GOP rep who spoke with TPM blamed the lapse in judgement on "an outside vendor."