Max Page, the adorable little boy who dressed up as Darth Vader in last year's Super Bowl Volkswagen commercial, was forced to undergo open-heart surgery to treat a congenital heart defect that has been plaguing him since he was three months old.

Today, we can happily report that the surgery was a success, and Max is doing well. The new pulmonary valve Max received should last 15 years, at which point it will be replaced through noninvasive surgery.

While Max's mom Jennifer Page spoke of her son's adorable recovery — "This morning he gave us the thumbs up and he said 'hi' to his brother, Els, and told him he loved him" — Max's own statement is maybe the most precious of all.

If you use your force and dream big, you can achieve anything. We may be small but we are mighty.

See also: Yoda.

Page is a Junior Ambassador of the hospital, so his words should provide comfort to other kids facing serious operations. Or to anyone who wants to get into commercial acting.

He will stay in the hospital for five days before returning home to a seriously funned-up house. Once home, Page will have another six to eight weeks of recovery time. Good thing he can move objects with his mind.