That's what Kim's ex-husband Kris Humphries allegedly told his ex-girlfriend Myla Sinanaj.

Since their contentious break-up, Sinanaj has been threatening to reveal salacious conversations between her and Kris — some of which supposedly took place while he was still married — that the power forward would likely prefer remain private.

Myla has been subpoenaed by Kim's lawyers in hopes that her "sordid details" might help the socialite in her divorce case, but the alleged hotel madam appears to be sitting on some information that could prove damaging to Kim as well.

TMZ reports that Humphries told Sinanaj it was Kris Jenner, Kim's mother, who instructed her to record the now-infamous sex tape with then-boyfriend Ray J.

According to Humphries, Jenner even went so far as to tell Kim to reshoot the video "because Kris J didn't think the first one was pretty enough."

TMZ also spoke with Kardashian moles who said the allegations were nonsense since Kim and Kris never discussed the tape, and she made it clear from the get-go that the topic was off limits.

[image via Vivid]