In newly released footage recorded not long after George Zimmerman's deadly altercation with Trayvon Martin, the self-appointment neighborhood watch captain can be seen reenacting his version of the events that unfolded the night he shot the 17-year-old to death.

"He took my head and slammed it against the concrete several times, and each time I thought my head was going to explode and I thought I was going to lose consciousness," Zimmerman tells police officers in the video.

He goes on to claim that use of deadly force became necessary after his jacket slid up during the brawl and exposed his firearm. "That's when he said you are going to die tonight," Zimmerman said. "He took one hand off my mouth, and slid it down my chest. I took my gun aimed it at him and fired."

In addition to the reenactment tape, Zimmerman's attorney today also released a handwritten statement and audio interviews with Zimmerman conducted by investigators following the late February incident.

In his statement to Sanford Police, Zimmerman claims Martin sat up after being shot and spoke his final words: "You got me."

After reviewing the new material, attorney Benjamin Crump, who represents Trayvon's family, said his statements were inconsistent, particularly concerning his explanation what spurred the initial confrontation with Martin.

"It is clear to us and should be to everybody, why the special prosecutor charged George Zimmerman with second-degree murder," said Crump.

Meanwhile, yesterday's dismissal of Sanford police chief Bill Lee may not bode well for Zimmerman. Lee, who was replaced in May by interim police chief Rick Myers, had been heavily criticized for not arresting Zimmerman in the aftermath of Martin's shooting.

Video Shows George Zimmerman Reenacting His Side of the Trayvon Martin Shooting
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[screengrab via ABC News]