Ann Curry Will Be Fired as Today Show Host Because Everyone Hates Her (Except for These 303 People)

It's been almost a full day since Brian Stelter was finally granted permission by his NBC media relations sources to hit send on a story most TV news reporters knew about months ago. It seems that Curry's departure was a welcome one, as most of the Today Show's Nielsen families celebrated with raucous Ally McBeal baby-dancing in their living rooms once it became officially official in America's paper of record.
Yet Curry does have some vocal supporters very displeased by the inevitable outcome. 303, to be exact, according to this Change.Org petition decrying the move and pleading with NBC execs to "Keep Ann Curry On The Today Show," brought forth because she favorited one former soldier's tweet. That click of the tiny yellow star was enough evidence to embolden former staff Sgt. Stephen J. Cowley to act heroically and make sure Ann knows that not everyone on the internet thinks she has stinky flabby arms and eats her deodorant for lunch:
Respect Ann Curry, cherish her. She is one of the best things you have going and to throw her away would be nothing short of a crime.
Other Curryites noted her "compassion" and "smarts" and said that they would "switch over to GMA" if she left and many said that the Today Show has gone downhill "since Richard Lawson left." Hmm.
Unfortunately, it appears Sgt. Cowley's protests were approximately 999,967 people short of what NBC needed to change their minds.
Ann Curry Will Be Fired As Co-Host of the Today Show Because Everybody Hates Her
Ann Curry Will Be Fired from the Today Show Before the Olympics Because Everybody Still Hates Her