Celebrity Boxing promoter Damon Feldman — the self-proclaimed "WWE of boxing" — wants to see Chris Brown and Drake finish what they allegedly started at a New York nightclub two weeks ago with three minute-long rounds of prize fighting.

Businessman Alki David has put up three million of his own dollars — one million each for Brown and Drake, and one million to help a battered women's charity — to entice the two hip hop stars to fight.

Neither camp has yet to reply to the offer.

Fledman also extended an invitation to Rihanna to serve as the event's ring girl, but said he was "99.9% sure she'll say no."

The Brown-Drake feud allegedly started at the W.i.P nightclub on June 14th when Drake returned a bottle of champagne sent over by Brown with a note claiming he was still engaged in an intimate relationship with Rihanna. During an ensuing fracas, Brown sustained several lacerations, as did other nightclub-goers who were caught in the line of fire.

Drake denies participating in the brawl.

Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs also suffered an injury, and recently filed a lawsuit against W.i.P alleging they should have known better than to let Brown and Drake be in the club at the same time, given their history.

W.i.P., meanwhile, had its liquor license suspended by the city over a string of "assault and altercations" that took place at the club in the three months leading up to the latest incident. The club has been closed since the night of the melee, and will likely remained shuttered for good.

[photos via AP, Getty]