This week sees the release of the 11th R. Kelly album, Write Me Back. It's a follow-up of sorts to 2010's retro-tender Love Letter and just as wonderful of a spotlight for the best male voice in contemporary R&B, period. Like before, it's straightforward soul that's mopped of any potential pee jokes.

There is more variation this time around, though. It's to the extent of this album being something like a drag-king cabaret. There are a few modern baby-makers, "All Rounds on Me" is dawn-era rock and roll revivalism and "You Are My World" was supposedly once a demo for Michael Jackson. He certainly sings it like it is, "Remember the Time"-inspired ad-libbing at the song's end and all.

Above, on "Love Is" (not to be confused with the K. Michelle duet of the same name on Love Letter), he does his best Barry White impression. His Barry White is better than my R. Kelly, so I'm not mad at this at all.

Fine, I just want to be peed on.