Ticketmaster CEO Wishes More People 'Had the Stones' to Stick it to Ticketmaster Like Louis C.K.

Comedian Louis C.K. just single-handedly proved that you don't need Ticketmaster and their inscrutable "convenience" charges to make a killing in ticket sales.
The comic has been selling out tour dates left and right since announcing his plans to sell seats to his upcoming stand-up show exclusively on his website for the all-inclusive flat rate of $45. "After 45 hours, my tour has sold 100K tickets, box office gross of 4.5 mil $ (not all mine)," C.K. tweeted last night.
Given his success, you'd think Ticketmaster would be shaking in their antitrust-busting boots. You'd be wrong.

"We love what @LouisCK is doing and support it," tweeted the company's CEO Nathan Hubbard. "[W]ish more people had the stones to do all-in ticketing."
Hubbard went on to claim that Ticketmaster has been a "huge champion" of "delivering a great seat at a fair price" all along, and it was actually rival StubHub that should be getting bad press for being a party pooper. "It sucks that StubHub is trying to pass laws making what @LouisCK is doing illegal," Hubbard asserted. "Hope fans support him. Go get 'em, Louis."
Which laws is Hubbard referring to? Unclear. But former Live Nation Executive VP Greg Bettinelli chimes in: "Isn't @stubhub trying to make it so tickets can be transferred freely, not only via TM + that fans own tickets they buy?"
It should be noted that Hubbard's tweets were posted before the full extent of C.K.'s windfall was made public, so his gushing opinion of the comedian's brave new business model may have since been tempered.