As part of a new ad campaign for Virgin Mobile Australia that promises "celebrity deals at celebrity brother prices," ad agency Euro RSCG hired Brad Pitt's lesser-known younger sibling Doug to play the part of the cellphone company's spokesperson.

The aim: Give Doug "a taste of his brother's lifestyle, starting with his first ever celebrity endorsement."

Doug has done all right for himself: Aside from looking like a cross between his brother and TV's Zach Braff, the "second most famous Pitt in his family" is a successful photojournalist and charity director who was named Goodwill Ambassador for Tanzania in 2010.

Still, "Doug's just a regular guy," says the agency — a down-to-earth suburban dad who "washes his own car, pays his own bills, and does his own laundry." And for that he deserves to be treated like a star.
