When we heard that Is Anyone Up founder Hunter Moore was arrested this past weekend in New York City, we thought maybe the FBI investigation into his now-defunct 'revenge porn' site had turned up something. Alas, it was only over a nightclub scuffle.

Moore was arrested early Saturday morning after spinning a guest DJ set at the weekly TRASH! party at New York's Webster Hall, according to go go dancer Stormy Leather, who was one of the other performers that night and ended up on the receiving end of a headbutt from Moore.

"He was being violent, he was charging after performers, and from what I understand there was an altercation between him and a [general manager]," she said. "Basically i think he was just fucked up and lashed out at people who worked at the club."

We'd guess Moore wasn't in the straightest mindset, as a few hours before the gig he had tweeted "got my little man with a beard bring me that 8. And then finishing up a interview in the hotel before I black out."

Stormy says she doesn't know what set off the scuffle, but that things began to get tense after Moore and his entourage were told to stop walking across the stage during another dancer's performance. Whatever the cause, the real trouble began at around 2:30 in the morning when Moore and a male performer got in an altercation, Stormy said. Words were exchanged, and Stormy said Moore called him homophobic slurs. When she tried to break up the fight Moore headbutted her in the face while trying to body-check her away, she said.

"It was more shocking than anything," Stormy said. "I had a little bump on my eyebrow, but no big deal."

The cops were called, Moore was cuffed and escorted out of the club. But by 5:42 Saturday morning, he was back on the streets, tweeting, "Just got out of jail. Love you." According to his Twitter, Moore is flying out of New York today.

Since he shut down Is Anyone Up and sold his domain name to an anti-bullying website, Moore has been traveling the country hosting parties, making shitty electro music and tweeting about many women he's screwing. Although his past career posting hacked naked pictures of teenagers hasn't kept clubs from booking him, acting like a shithead to the staff probably will. A show he had scheduled for last night in Providence was canceled.