Police in Florida say they were alerted Monday to a naked man masturbating inside a Jeep Cherokee while driving around the St. Lucie County seat of Fort Pierce.

A tow truck driver who pulled up alongside 49-year-old Robert Casey claimed his "hands were in his groin area moving around."

The police report [pdf] notes that Casey was in process of putting his clothes on when he was pulled over on Interstate 95. Asked why he wasn't wearing any clothes to begin with, the man acknowledged he had "problems with this," and was seeking therapy.

And, that, as they say, is when things got weird. WPDF reports:

The officer then patted Casey down and found a toy pistol tied to his leg, part of which was hidden in Casey's behind. Another portion of the contraption was tied around his genitals, the report said.

Casey was charged with lewd and lascivious behavior, and booked into the St. Lucie County Jail.

[Arbroath, photo via St. Lucie County Jail via Sun Sentinel]