Fireworks Company Behind Botched San Diego Display Offers Make-Up Show if City Foots Most of the Bill

In the aftermath of Wednesday's failed display, the producers of San Diego's Big Bay Boom Fireworks Show say they would like to make it up to attendees by putting on another show.
Garden State Fireworks has reportedly made an offer to provide the pyrotechnics for a makeup show to take place before Independence Day 2013. "But there's a catch," 10News reports. "The pyrotechnic display only makes up about $125,000 of the roughly $400,000 cost of the event, leaving the city to cover about $275,000."
The Port of San Diego only put up $145,000 of its own money to fund this year's event — the rest came from sponsors. Additionally, show producer Sandy Purdon says logistics make it "impossible" to organize a substitute show "in a couple of days or a couple of months."
The city has released a statement saying it was "disappointed that this year's event failed due to an apparent technical malfunction."
Garden State Fireworks co-owner August Santore tentatively blamed the glitch which caused all the fireworks to be released early and simultaneously on a "corrupted computer file."
Santore says the mishap — the first of its kind in the company's 102 years in business — "pulled the life out of me." He told 10News he plans on working with Purdon to "make amends."