LA Entertainment Reporter Gets Hacked, Tweets 'Fake Ass Nigga' at Rapper (UPDATED)

It's unclear what could have possessed KTLA Morning News entertainment reporter Sam Rubin to tweet "fake ass nigga" at rapper-producer Yung Berg. The offending tweet has been removed — although it stayed up for several hours before that — and Rubin is claiming he was hacked, but this story still doesn't make a lot of sense.
Devoid of context, the "fake ass nigga" tweet looked like a poorly executed practical joke, or the manifestation of some bizarre Sam Rubin-Yung Berg beef we're just now discovering.
Before the tweet was deleted, Rubin posted the following.
OOPS....I will explain later. But, biggest boo boo of the year. For reals
"Biggest boo boo" and "for reals" sound a little out of character, too, which might suggest that Rubin's account was hacked.
That's the story he's going with, anyway. Two hours after the "boo boo" tweet, Rubin followed up with everyone's favorite excuse for bizarre or offensive Twitter behavior.
Pardon Friends, my twitter has clearly been hacked. Will fix when I return home. Anyone who knows me knows I wouldn't tweet that phrase ever
First of all, someone needs to teach Rubin how to delete tweets from his phone. Second of all, this still doesn't add up.

While the "fake ass nigga" tweet has been deleted, the "biggest boo boo of the year" tweet remains. Was that also posted by the alleged hacker, in which case Rubin simply forgot to delete it? Or is he, in fact, taking responsibility for it?
If Rubin did tweet that he would explain his "biggest boo boo of the year," that seems to be acknowledging some culpability. This was his own mistake, and not the work of a malicious third party.
Besides, the hacking explanation is far less interesting than what we were promised. We demand more answers. Even if Rubin's story is true, the hacker must have had a very specific vendetta. Who would want to stir shit up between Sam Rubin and Yung Berg?
In a blog post, Rubin explains that the "boo boo" tweet was in reference to a bungled Dark Knight Rises screening, and that I am a lazy hack and a "pointless putz." Fair.