Justin Bieber Fires Back at Reckless Paparazzo
On Friday, Justin Bieber was cited for reckless driving on an LA freeway, but he maintains that it wasn't all his fault. Bieber was trying to escape from a particularly dogged paparazzo who was driving just as recklessly to snap a shot.
And it was Bieber who reached out to police to give his side of the story. While there were several photogs tailing him, Bieber says one paparazzo in particular was aggressive to the point of putting other drivers at risk — even riding alongside the shoulder to keep up with his target.
While many commenters yesterday felt that Bieber should have just let the paparazzo take his picture, this new version of events makes it a little less clear-cut. It's certainly a challenge to drive safely when someone is riding on the shoulder alongside your car, constantly snapping photos. I'm not tearfully admonishing anyone to "LEAVE JUSTIN ALONE," just suggesting that we take both sides of this story into account.
The California Highway Patrol is — they interviewed paparazzo in question at Bieber's music video shoot yesterday. (He was there, naturally.) He is now being investigated for harassment.