Employment Seeker Mistakes Nic Cage JPEG for CV, Inadvertently Sends Out Greatest Job Application Ever

"Fucking weirdo" Vanessa Hojda believes the answer to every question is "Nicolas Cage."

It's small wonder then that the 20-year-old York University student accidentally shot off an email to a potential future employer with a crazed photo of Nic Cage in lieu of her cover letter and resume.
On her Tumblr blog she explains the mix-up:
Jesus Christ I accidently [sic] sent my potential future boss a picture of Nic Cage rather than my cover letter+resume, which was a zip file titled with a bunch of numbers like the JPG I accidentally attached oh my God.
As the old saying goes, "on the Internet, no one knows you're lying about sending a crazed photo of Nic Cage to your potential future employer," but if any Internet story ever deserved to be real, it's this one.