On Saturday, Gawker writer Louis Peitzman haphazardly insinuated that a tweet from KTLA newsreader Sam Rubin was a bad practical joke, but it turned out that he was actually hacked, according to Rubin. He sent this email to Louis on Saturday night:

From: Sam Rubin
Date: Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM
Subject: From Sam Rubin at KTLA-TV
To: louis.peitzman@gawker.com

Hello Louis,
Your story is completely incorrect. I am happy to discuss with you what actually took place, as I have detailed here in this blog posting....


Please contact me if you have any questions, and please let me know when the true and correct story will appear in Gawker...

Thanks so much,


Louis updated the post and has linked to Mr. Rubin's explanation which was published on his KTLA blog "My Truth," which references his personal truthfulness and reverence for it right there in the title. Here's an excerpt from Rubin's post:

Finally, I sent out an apology tweet. Lazy Louis Peitzman said this was just part of the typical arc of high profile people who sent out offensive tweets. NO, you pointless putz; I apologized because I clearly felt badly that any kind of racist statement would be associated with me; and that anyone would actually think I had done something like this.
I don't expect to get a basket of flowers from Gawker. But certainly an apology and correction would be nice. Their "reporting" was simply lazy and slipshod and flat out wrong. And don't get me started on the incredibly unflattering picture they chose.

Today KTLA producer Jason Bell called and wanted to speak more about the story and wanted to state for the record that he was very disappointed in the way it was handled and doesn't trust Gawker anymore, even though it appears that most of the issue had been rectified online. Louis Peitzman has been reprimanded and flowers to Sam Rubin are forthcoming. We regret the insinuation.

[Image via Getty]