Even if you're not a fan of Bruce Springsteen or Paul McCartney — really, though? You should have that checked out — you can appreciate the massive insult here.

McCartney joined The Boss onstage as Springsteen was wrapping up his set. Together, they made it through one song, "I Saw Her Standing There," but during "Twist and Shout," the mics cut out. Concert organizers had silenced two rock-n-roll legends.

They weren't just being anti-rock dicks. This was in London's Hyde Park, not the town from Footloose.

But curfew is 10 p.m., and Springsteen and the E Street Band had already gone past it by half an hour. By the time McCartney took the stage, they were both flagrantly mocking the entire concept of curfew. Examples have to be made.

Still, kind of a bummer for the fans in attendance — and for the musicians eager to play with one another. E Street Band's Steven Van Zandt took to his Twitter page to express his outrage.

The cops got nothing more important to do? How about they go catch some criminals instead of fucking with 80,000 people having a good time?

English cops may be the only individuals left on earth that wouldn't want to hear one more from Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney!

I'm sorry but I have to be honest I'm pissed. Like I said, it didn't ruin the great night. But when I'm jamming with McCartney don't bug me!

"When I'm jamming with McCartney don't bug me." Wise words to live by.

[Image via Getty]