Teens Who Fatally Assaulted Father of Twelve Arrested After Posting Video of Attack on Facebook

Police in Chicago say two teens took turns recording video on a cell phone while a third teen brutally beat a disabled man to death.
16-year-old suspected Latin Kings gang member Malik Jones was arrested last week and charged with the murder of 62-year-old former construction worker Delfino Mora. Alleged accomplices Nicholas Ayala, 17, and Anthony Malcolm, 18, were arrested shortly thereafter.
Authorities claim the three approached Mora, a father of twelve from Chicago's North Side, and ordered him to empty his pockets. Mora was collecting cans at the time — something he does regularly for extra cash since losing full use of his right arm in a work accident 15 years ago.
According to prosecutors, Jones then punched Mora in the jaw while Ayala and Malcolm videotaped the beating. Jones allegedly handed his cell phone off to one of his associates before approaching Mora.
The victim fell and hit his head on the concrete as a result of the blow to the head. He was found unconscious three hours later in a pool of blood and vomit and rushed to the hospital. After spending a day in critical condition Mora succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead.
Footage of the incident was uploaded to Jones' Facebook page and forwarded around until it reached a co-worker of Mora's son, who alerted him to its existence. It was then brought to the attention of the police, who subsequently arrested the three teens.
"I've been having nightmares - it's been real hard but I have to be tough for my mother and my brothers," said Emmanuel Mora. "I don't know how anyone can be that cold-hearted."
According to NBC Chicago, this is the third time in the last year alone that "a Chicago attack has been filmed and the video has led to an arrest."