Lost Co-Creator Damon Lindelof Declares 'Cynics Win' After Deleting Aurora Tribute Tweet

This is one of those days where something terrible has happened and we're left to digest both the tragedy itself and the Internet's own messy response to the tragedy, a response that is equal parts informative, vitriolic, sympathetic, self-absorbed, and at times utterly unnecessary. Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof found out how hard it is to navigate such choppy waters when he sent out this tweet earlier today:
@DamonLindelof Going to see DARK KNIGHT TONIGHT. Humbly suggest staying in our seats for a minute of silence when end credits roll. #ForAurora
Some folks didn't reply too kindly to Lindelof's idea. I think it was probably the "Humbly" that pissed everyone off so badly. Anyway, Lindelof then deleted the tweet and replaced it with this...

Actually, I'd argue it's more cynical to hop on Twitter to humbly toss out your own sixty-second empty gesture for honoring the deceased, to be undertaken only after sitting all the way through the film they died preparing to watch. But on a day like today, throwing out virtually any argument is a lousy idea. Beware the Internet when its nerves are raw, Damon. And think about how stupid it would be for someone else to suggest that everyone leave their popcorn buckets half full tonight.