Hi, Haters: Octomom's Porn and Stripping Have Gotten Her Off Welfare

Judge her and her lifestyle choices all you want — Nadya Suleman has now earned enough money to get off welfare, according to TMZ.
Octomom, who has 14 kids at home, has done everything from foxy boxing to sketchy website promotion. But it's her recent forays into stripping and self-love porn that have pushed her over the edge to apparent financial stability.
I guess this means we won't be hearing for her for a while? Just kidding — Suleman is notoriously fame-hungry. Plus, now that she's broke even, she might as well try to make a profit.
As TMZ first reported, Octomom went on welfare back in March, saying she could not support herself or her children, including the eight she chose to have at the same time. When her three-month cycle was up, she decided not to renew, having earned six-figures from her naughty side gigs.
Suleman is now a stirring emblem of the American spirit and independence. Hear that, Obama? She doesn't need your free handouts. So far, however, Mitt Romney has not asked her to join him on the campaign trail.