Police Arrest Couple for Putting On Unsolicited Sex Show at Walmart

Walmart employees disturbed by the lewd conduct of two shoppers alerted police to the display, prompting the couple's arrest.
According to an incident report, 22-year-old Julian R. Call and 35-year-old Tina F. Gianakon lifted a tube of K-Y Jelly from a Walmart in Hutchinson, Kansas, and used it to perform a sexual act in full view of their fellow patrons.
The Hutchinson News describes the act as "groping under clothing," but Wichita-based ABC affiliate KAKE is a bit more generous, labeling it "sexual fondling."
The couple was booked into jail on charges of lewd and lascivious behavior. Surprisingly, no alcohol or drugs are said to be involved.
[photo unrelated via AP]