If You Boycott Chick-Fil-A Then You're Basically Calling Jesus a Faggot

Chick-Fil-A continues to divide our once great no-homo nation, but sane Gospel Coalition columnist Trevin Wax says it's not just lovers of chicken sandwiches with tiny pickles being marginalized by the backlash:
Though I'm weary of our culture's tendency to politicize everything, I believe this Chick-fil-A boycott has revealed some fault lines in our culture that will lead to increasing pressure upon Christians who uphold the sexual ethic described in the New Testament. Furthermore, in listening to the mayors of Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco, it's clear to me that – political posturing aside – this discussion may not be about the alleged homophobia of Chick-fil-A's president but the actual Christophobia ...
Oh let's just stop. Wax defines Christophobia as "anti-Christian sentiment expressed as opposition to Christians, the Christian religion, or the practice of Christianity," but on earth Christophobia is a word he made up while writing this column because this is the type of shit ignorant people write when owners of fastfood chicken franchises say stupid, politically-charged statements most upright-walking humans would consider mortifying.
So, like, fuck Jesus.