[There was a video here]

The capital of Texas is also a capital of live music, and home to enough promising bands to fill its endless rows of it's-a-miracle-the-neighbors-don't-complain music venues on a nightly basis. It's also where photographer Diana Levine trotted off to as part of Gizmodo's Intel-Inspired Ultrabook™ Shooting Challenge.

When Diana arrived in Austin, she got to work documenting the town's maniacal music scene. Her goal: To find one lucky band in need of an album cover, and to give it to them. So she called up some friends in the music industry until one put her in touch with local rock stars My Jerusalem.

When Diana shoots on location, she uses a laptop to zoom in on her shots' details and to show them off to clients. But if she's hopping to multiple locations in the same day, carrying a laptop-lugger in addition to her camera rig can be mighty exhausting. Because her Intel-Inspired Ultrabook™ was forget-about-it sleek, she could slip it into her existing camera bag. And its longer-lasting battery life meant she could shoot all day without taking a charging break.

Of course, this isn't the end of Diana's Austin adventure. Come back to Gawker on September 18, when she'll be taking her turn in the comments, ready to answer anything and show off more musically inclined shots.

Seth Porges is a New York-based writer, editor, on-air commentator, and entrepreneur.