Legendary comedienne Joan Rivers had to be escorted out of a Burbank, California Costco by police after she handcuffed herself to a shopping cart in protest of the retailer's ban of her bestselling book, I Hate Everything... Starting With Me.

Employees say the Fashion Police host showed up at the store unannounced and began selling copies of her book to stunned customers. E! Online reports that Rivers was armed with a megaphone, and used it to compare Costco to Nazi Germany and the ban to bible burning.

"It's about First Amendment rights," she later told KTLA. "Costco banned my book because of one word on the back cover. I feel like this is a country where the people should have the right to have the literature they want."

Rivers, who was accompanied by a camera crew, noted the hypocrisy in banning her book while selling condoms "by the pallet."

Police say Rivers left the store without incident and no citations were issued.

[H/T: Mediaite, screengrab via KTLA, video via TMZ]