Lunchtime Poll: Are These Two Ladies Running on the Stairs Distracting to Virile Young Men?

Alternatively, managing editor Emma Carmichael said the headline for this story should read 'Football Coach Slut Shames Girls Who Are Just Trying to Stay Fit and Active.' Here's why:
According to sports reporter Eric Blumberg of KOMU-TV in Columbia, Mo., the two women were nicely asked to come back later to finish their exercise. Of course, Blumberg managed to get a photo of the coeds before they were ushered out of the stadium.
Unlike the the US Rowing team, it's clear the Missouri coaching staff felt some members of their team cannot be successful while half-engorged. So is the coach slut-shaming? Or is he just protecting his investment? Would two shirtless men be a distraction? Would two pantsless men be a distraction? Are you wearing pants?