Robert Pattinson Tells George Stephanopoulos He's Doing Okay with 'the Elephant in the Room'

On this morning's Good Morning America, guest Robert Pattinson didn't quite bare his soul to the nation, but he was a bit more forthcoming about his recent relationship troubles than he was during his previous public appearance on The Daily Show.
"I've never been interested in trying to sell my personal life and that's really the only reason people bring it up," Pattinson told host George Stephanopoulos, who pressed him to discuss the "elephant in the room."
The actor touched tangentially on the subject, likening his life in the public eye to "the craziest theme park ride — it's totally exciting but, eventually, at some point you have to have a break."
In a likely reference to (former?) girlfriend Kristen Stewart's very public apology in the aftermath of her affair with married director Rupert Sanders, Pattinson remarked that taking away publicists would allow people to speak for themselves and "be responsible for their words." He continued: "I do have a manager who's a de-facto publicist. He gives great advice so I can disregard it."
Asked point-blank by Stephanopoulos if he was "doing okay," Pattinson responded, "yeah, yeah."
The rest of the interview focused on Pattinson's upcoming film Cosmopolis, and his love of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.