A man arrested for drunk driving in North Liberty, Iowa, was found to have a blood-alcohol level so high it could have killed him twice over.

24-year-old Justin A. Clack was driving "all over the road" according to witnesses who called police on him late last month. Clark's initial breath test yielded a 0.486 percent BAC — but a later test conducted at the hospital found his true BAC to be 0.627.

According to The Cedar Rapids Gazette, 0.30 percent would be enough to kill a person. North Liberty Police Chief Jim Warkentin said he was taught at the academy that an inebriated individual with .4 percent or above in their system is considered "clinically dead."

He said he was unable to say what Clark was drinking that night, but University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics emergency room doctor Michael Takacs said that kind of BAC requires the consumption of "35 shots, bottles of beer or glasses of wine in four hours."

[H/T: BroBible, mug shot via Press Citizen]