Breaking Bad-Inspired 'Meth Candy' for Sale in New Mexico

A candy shop owner in New Mexico has begun selling blue-colored "meth candy," so named in honor of Breaking Bad's signature blue drug.

Debbie Hall, who owns the Albuquerque-based store, says The Candy Lady was the original supplier for prop candy for use in the AMC show, which is set in her city.
"We supplied the show when it first started," Hall told the Associated Press. "It's just rock candy with blue dye and it looks like the real thing."
Hall says the candy has been selling like, well, meth. "The response has been great," she told the news service. "They are all fans of Breaking Bad…and fans of Albuquerque."
But not everybody's happy with the idea of selling candy named after a highly addictive and dangerous drug. To those people, Hall responds, "Everyone needs to remember this is television. We're just playing on a television show. I don't condone drugs in any way, shape or form."