Why Was Philandering Senator David Vitter Tweeting to This Young Lady Last Night?

Five years ago, Louisiana Senator David Vitter was humiliated when he was outed as a client of the infamous "DC Madam," Deborah Palfrey. Back then, reports said that not only did Vitter see prostitutes on numerous occasions, he was rumored to have a fetish for wearing diapers, like a man-baby. Palfrey ended up committing suicide in 2008, while Vitter, a staunch family values advocate, remains a sitting senator. And now it looks like the GOP hypocrite may be up to some more shady dalliances.
Last evening, Vitter tweeted "@LuvMy_Kisses" from his verified Twitter account. Though the tweet was quickly deleted, it was archived here thanks to the Sunlight Foundation's Politwoops service.

We've done some digging, and it appears as if @LuvMy_Kisses is the Twitter account of a woman named Daysha Scott, a 20-year-old college student. Her Twitter bio says she lives in "Westbank," a possible reference to Westbank, New Orleans, in Vitter's home state.

The tweet could have been a simple mistake on Vitter's part—or that of an aide with access to his Twitter account—but when people began pressing Scott to explain why Vitter might be reaching out to her, she seemed to suggest that the contact was very intentional. "I know something you don't know," she tweeted coyly to a man attempting to get to the bottom of Vitter's contact. Even more suspicious is that that and the other tweets in the photo at left were almost immediately scrubbed from Scott's Twitter feed.

Again, this could all be an honest mistake, but if so, why all the secrecy and quickly covered tracks? Perhaps Vitter's nine lives are about to run out. If you know anything more, email me.
UPDATE: Vitter and Scott both follow each other on Twitter, too.