A local CBS affiliate uncovered the personal art website of Jeffrey Johnson, the 58-year-old man who shot a former co-worker and was gunned down by police yesterday.

The website, St. Jolly's Art, features a series of Johnson's illustrations for reproduction on t-shirts, cards, and coffee mugs. It was updated as recently as July 30.

There are a lot of cars — galleries include "COBRA Fantasies" and "FERRARI Dreams" — but there's also some more unusual work. In addition to "Alternate Realities," one of Johnson's galleries is "Seafaring Vignettes," which includes the "Pirate Beach Party" pictured above.

There's little insight to be had here, especially since we now know that Johnson only shot his intended victim, and (for the most part) why he did it.

But as always, there's something morbidly fascinating about the curiosities people leave behind.

[Image via St. Jolly's Art]