REPORTING FROM THE TAMPA CONVENTION CENTER LOBBY—Chaotic jostling is the order of the day here in south central Florida, where veteran Hollywood actor Jon Voight, known for his supporting role in the 1997 Ice Cube vehicle Anaconda, addressed the media in an extemporaneous manner just moments ago, while standing outside of Ballroom "C" in the moderately crowded Tampa Convention Center lobby.

"I am an enemy of the Left. Why?" asked the co-star of made-for-TV film Karate Dog, rhetorically. "The Left is from a period when Marx said, 'god is man.' Everything based on Marxism is a disaster."

A crowd of print and television reporters (including your correspondent) standing three deep around Voight transcribed this and other statements, and disseminated them rapidly through electronic media channels.

Voight's daughter was not in attendance.

Stay tuned to GAWKER.COM for future breaking Jon Voight political news.