As a mystery guest speaker, Clint Eastwood may not have been much of a surprise, but his speech sure was.

Rambling, incoherent at the best of times, Dalí-esque, and ripe for mockery, which is what the Internet does best.

By far the most satirized portion of Eastwood's "ad libbed" performance piece was when the aging actor spoke to an empty chair as if it were standing in — or, rather, sitting in — for an unusually foul-mouthed President Obama.

The Internet latched on, and "Eastwooding" — a photo meme wherein one pretends to be angry at a chair — was born.

So was the novelty Twitter account @InvisibleObama, which gained tens of thousands of followers in mere hours.

A few poignant photoshops — including this seemingly prescient Simpsons still — also made the rounds.

But by far the most amusing response to Eastwood's off-rocker one-man-show was from the President himself, who couldn't help but join in on the mirth-making with the following tweet:

[image via @zdroberts]