Please Hire This Man's Wife

A suburban Toledo man is hoping two billboards he put up surreptitiously will help his wife land a new job.
"Please Hire My Wife," say the giant electronic resumes overlooking downtown Toledo. "I wanted to do something maybe help lift her spirits if nothing else," Brandon Stuard of Sylvania told Toledo News Now about the unauthorized signage.
"I think I definitely would have said no," said his wife, Holly, but admitted that the billboards definitely helped put a much-needed spring in her step. "I would have thought it would have been too embarrassing to have my face up on a billboard but, now I'm having fun with it and hopefully a good opportunity will come out of it."
So far nothing, but Holly, who was let go last year from her job as head of the University of Toledo's Master of Business Administration program due to budget cuts, says the word is spreading.
Her husband, who shelled out $700 for a week's worth of ad space, says watching his wife struggle to find a new job has been "extremely hard," so he was happy to have found some way to help her.
And it definitely seems to have done the job. "It's brought a new life, a new energy, a new excitement," Holly told the Toledo Free Press.