A South Carolina man reportedly succumbed to injuries he sustained while demonstrating the "proper" way to shoot one's self in the head.

James Gagum was pronounced dead by paramedics who arrived at his Conway home Thursday night to find the 43-year-old lying in a pool of his own blood.

According to eyewitnesses, Gagum had been watching a movie when he was inspired to "correct" a scene in which a person was presumably holding a gun to his own head.

Gagum, seated in a recliner, picked up his gun and put it to his head saying, "that's not how it's done." He then pulled the trigger several times, possibly unaware the gun was loaded.

The third time proved deadly.

A Horry County police department spox confirmed the shooting was not intentional.

Gagum is believed to be the same man who shot and killed a home invader in self-defense two years ago.

[photo via Shutterstock]