Tom Brokaw was such a nice kid, and then someone put his name in lights and turned him into a lush. On Thursday morning, he took the pink pills.

When word got out earlier today that veteran news anchor Tom Brokaw had been admitted to a hospital "out of an abundance of caution," after he reported feeling lightheaded on the set of MSNBC's Morning Joe, the world waited with bated breath to see what hand cruel Fate had dealt him.

Now the mystery of Brokaw's ailment has been revealed:

He "mistakenly" popped an Ambien this morning, right before going on TV.

Normally, Brokaw takes Ambien only before bed, to give himself vivid, groovy dreams.

"Sure I take dolls; I've gotta get some sleep. I've gotta get up in the morning and ‘Sparkle, Brokaw, sparkle!'"

Following his even-more-mumbly-than-usual appearance on Morning Joe (Daily Intel has a wicked video of the fiasco, which answers the question: "What would a team of TV journalists do if they thought Tom Brokaw might be having a stroke?" with a resounding "NOTHING."), Brokaw explained his little Ambien mix-up whoozy-whatsit on Twitter:

To see how Tom Brokaw acts on other psychotropics, stay tuned to NBC.

[Tom Brokaw // Image via Getty]