Canadian Dance Studio Introduces Pole Dancing Classes, You Know, For Kids

The "Little Spinners" pole dancing class at the Twisted Grip Dance and Fitness studio in Duncan, British Columbia, is definitely causing a few heads to spin.
The controversial class, which welcomes children of all ages, has already registered several girls as young as five, and even one boy.
Studio owner Kristy Craig said Little Spinners is merely meeting the demands of her adult students, several of whom have asked her to provide a kid equivalent of her more mature pole dancing class.
"My existing students were asking about it for their children," she told the National Post. " They were saying, 'My daughter plays on my pole at home all the time, I'd love her to actually learn how to do things property and not hurt herself.'"
Though she says the kids' class does not teach children "any sexual moves," Craig admits it is "very similar" to her adult sessions, which bear such provocative names as Sexy Flexy and Bunny Bootcamp.
As for those naysayers who chide Craig for starting kids on the path toward stripping, the instructor retorts that "pole dancing in general is trying to change people's perception away from the stripping and more into it being fitness and an athletic sport."
To bolster her position, Craig points to last week's Russian national pole dancing championships, in which prepubescent girls were allowed to participate.