Proudly Unethical Website Hires Unemployed College Professors to Write Essays for Students

A Montreal-based website is offering college students the chance to have their essay penned by a real-life unemployed college professor in exchange for cash.
Not surprisingly, is ruffling more than few academic feathers, with many seeing its service as highly unethical.
But the site makes no effort to hide its less-than-educational approach to education.
"Isn't it really unethical for you to be writing these essays for cash?" asks one of the questions on the site's FAQ. "Incredibly so," the site responds, "and because the academic system is already so corrupt, we're totally cool with that. We even all have matching tweed t-shirts."
The site, which currently employs some 30 professors, lets students submit project guidelines and has its stable of professors bid for the essay.
"The idea that it could be legitimate for any professor to sell their brain, when they know better than anyone that papers are assigned for students to learn," Concordia University associate dean of academic services Catherine Bolton told Postmedia News. "There are for sure teaching assistants and graduate students who do this, but professors?"